Today I read 2 Kings 15, in which Azariah and Jotham became king of Judah; Zachariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah became king of Israel. Today I considered God can allow leaders to reign a long time or a short period of time.
Consistency for Over 60 Years
God blessed Jerusalem with consistent leaders for over 60 years (2 Kings 15: 1-7, 32-38). Amaziah’s son Azariah also known as Uzziah became king of Judah at 16 years old and reigned 52 years doing what was right before the Lord. Uzziah’s son Jotham became king of Judah and reigned 16 years in Jerusalem. Jotham did what was right before the Lord. God can bless leadership to stay in power for a long time.
Conspiracies Changing Kings
God allowed continuing change and betrayal in Samaria (2 Kings 15:8-31). Jeroboam’s son Zachariah reigned over Israel six months, fulfilling God’s promise to Jehu through four generations, and was killed by Jabesh’s son Shallum. Shallum reigned one month in Samaria and was killed by Gadi’s son Menahem. Menahem reigned 10 years in Samaria and committed evil. Menahem’s son Pekahiah reigned two years and Ramaliah’s son Pekah killed him. Pekah reigned 20 years over Israel in Samaria doing evil. Pekah was killed by Elah’s son Hoshea. God can allow constant turnover of leadership.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
God keeps His promises and has control over whether leaders reign for decades or one month.
Can you think of a time you were surprised at how quickly God changed leadership in an organization?