Today I read 2 Kings 20, in which God healed the sickness of Hezekiah and Hezekiah’s foolishness causes Judah to later lose everything. Today I considered that sometimes when we overcome sickness or difficulty we are rejoicing so hard we forget to ask God about some of our decisions.
King’s Blessing Followed by Foolishness
A king so happy to be saved from sickness he betrayed his own kingdom showing off his treasures (2 Kings 20:1-19). Hezekiah was sick and the prophet Isaiah came to predict his death. Hezekiah wept and prayed to God. God heeded his prayer, extending his life 15 years. Isaiah told Hezekiah what to do to be healed. Hezekiah received letters and a gift from the king of Babylon because he was sick. Hezekiah showed Babylon everything in the kingdom including what he and his fathers had collected. Isaiah predicted everything would be taken to Babylon including Hezekiah’s sons. We cannot be so happy about a healing or blessing that we forget the regular precautions we should take.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Have you or someone you know ever been so happy about a blessing you shared it with the wrong person and they tried to take it from you?