Today I read Genesis 32 and 33, in which Jacob prayed to God, wrestled to receive a blessing, and planned for his meeting with Esau. Jacob prayed before completing his plan to soften Esau’s reaction to him. Even after being welcomed by the brother that previously threatened to kill him, Jacob chose to stay elsewhere. Today I considered how we should pray even as we follow God’s direction and be wise in our choices.

Jacob Prayed and Wrestled for Blessings

Seeking God by calling on His name and wrestling for blessings is what Jacob chose to do. Jacob chose not to be paralyzed with fear. As Jacob got closer to his hometown, Jacob prayed to God, acknowledged his limitations, and asked for God to deliver him. Jacob then wrestled all night with a man, even after his thigh was put out of joint, until the man blessed him. When faced with fear we are to pray to God as Jacob prayed. We should also value blessings we receive because the power within the tongue over life and death.

Jacob Softened Esau

It is wise to plan how you approach someone especially if you had angered the person before. Jacob knew Esau was angry when he left. When returning Jacob told Esau he was coming and sent gifts to Esau to soften how Esau responded to him. Esau welcomed Jacob, but Jacob insisted that Esau take the gifts he provided. We should be wise in dealing with possibly angry people, so that their anger is appeased without them sinning.

Jacob Dwelt in a Different Town

Appeasing a person’s anger does not mean you should automatically trust that person. Jacob did what he could to stop Esau’s anger but did not trust him. Jacob stopped Esau’s men from escorting them and from traveling with his family. Jacob then proceeded to go to another location to dwell away from his brother. Jacob went to Succoth and then to Shalem in Canaan where he bought a field. When faced with a person that was angry enough to kill you, Jacob chose to avoid living with that person. We can learn from Jacob that it is not always good to dwell with those that threaten your life.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

When Jacob was afraid, Jacob prayed to God using the words God had given him. Then he planned for a possible escape for his family by dividing them into groups.

Can you give an example of when you prayed and also planned on how to deal with someone’s anger?