Today I read Joshua 14, in which Caleb is granted Hebron, land west of the Jordan. Today I considered that sometimes we should remind others of our contributions and faithfulness before making our request known, and people not related by blood can receive an inheritance.
Request Received
Caleb made and received his requested land when they started dividing the land by lots (Joshua 14:1-15). Priest Eleazar, Joshua, and tribal heads of the children of Israel distributed the land by lots. Jephunneh the Kenezite’s son Caleb reminded them he wholly followed God, is as strong for war as he was 45 years ago when he spied out the land, and Moses promised he could have where his feet trod. Caleb asked for the mountain Hebron. Joshua blessed Caleb and gave Hebron to him under the lots given to the tribe of Judah. Caleb’s land had rest from war.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Caleb inherited under the lots given to Judah. Caleb’s bloodline was Kenezite indicating he may not have been blood related to the tribe of Judah.We are to remember that God gives an inheritance to his children dedicated to the Lord regardless of your blood relatives.
Do you know someone who was given an inheritance though they were not related by blood to the gift giver?