Today I read 1 Samuel 1, in which Hannah’s answered prayer resulted in Samuel’s birth and Samuel’s dedication to the service of the Lord. Today I considered the heart of a mother to love both her child and God enough that she gave her toddler into the service of the Lord.

Answered Sincere Prayer

A sincere prayer is answered and a first time mother dedicated her child to God as she promised (Samuel 1:1-28). Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. His family went yearly to sacrifice to the Lord. Elkanah gave Peninnah and her sons a portion to give to the Lord. Elkanah loved Hannah and gave her a worthy portion to give to the Lord but she continued to be provoked by her rival because she was barren. Hannah went to the temple, cried bitterly and prayed silently with her lips moving for a son she will give to the Lord. She prayed so hard Eli thought she was drunk. When he found out she was not drunk, he told her God would grant her request. Hannah got pregnant, waited until her child named Samuel was weaned, and went to make a sacrifice.  Hannah then took Samuel to Eli to for Samuel to serve the Lord.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Can you imagine giving up your first and only child to the ministry of God while he is still a toddler?