Today I read 1 Samuel 5, in which the Philistines move the ark and death and disease is their consequence. Today I considered God was fighting for the Israelites and showing His might without any Israelites being present.

Not Wanting What They Took and God’s Might

After the Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant, they experienced death and disease and wanted to return the ark. The Philistines took the Ark of God to Ashdod into the house of their god Dagon. The next day Dagon’s statue had fallen and the day after that Dagon’s statue fell with the head and hands falling off. God struck people in Ashdod with death or a disease of the bowels like hemorrhoids. The Philistines moved the ark to Gath and the men there were struck with disease. They then sent the ark to Ekron, who did not want it there, and their men were struck with death or disease. The Ekronites said send the Ark of God back to its own place. God showed his strength to the Philistines even without any Israelites present.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God can fight our battles even without us being present.

Have you or someone you know experienced something only God could do and all the effort came from God?