Today I read 1 Samuel 17, which has the story of David and Goliath showing David’s faith in God. Today I considered that God lets us fight smaller battles or face smaller choices before fighting bigger battles or facing larger choices.
Recognized In A Bigger Battle
David went from an unrecognized person fighting for his sheep to a person fighting for a king and the people of Israel (1 Samuel 17:1-58). The Philistines gathered together to fight Israel on a mountain opposite the mountain Israel gathered to fight, with a valley between them. Goliath of Gath was a 10 foot tall giant with the Philistines that went into the valley with his shield bearer for 40 days. Every morning and night Goliath taunted Israel saying if they sent a champion that won against him the Philistines would be Israel’s servants and they would not have to battle. Everyone was afraid to fight Goliath. Jesse sent David from tending the sheep to the battlefield to check on his brothers and take them and their leader food. David heard about Goliath and was willing to fight him. Saul said no David was too young until David explained that the Lord delivered him from fighting lions and bears that attacked the sheep, God would help him kill the Philistine. Saul’s armor did not fit David so David chose to fight with his slingshot and five smooth stones. Goliath approached and David ran towards him hitting him in the head with a rock from the slingshot. Goliath fell down and David took Goliath’s sword, and cut off his head. The Israelites then chased the Philistines to the gates of Ekron. Saul then asked David who was his father, and David replied Jesse the Bethlehemite.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
David was already a fighter, fighting bears and lions that attacked his sheep. David knew these animals could have killed him but God protected him. David used that faith in God when going into a bigger battle. David’s battle went from protecting sheep to protecting his family and his people.
What small challenges have you faced that God brought you through so you were ready to face a larger challenge?