Today I read 2 Samuel 12, in which David repents of his sin against Uriah and Bathsheba, and takes the victory over the Ammonites though Joab was the one who took the royal city. Today I considered that David’s punishment lasted the rest of his life showing God can have you live the rest of your life with the consequences of your actions. I also considered that the mighty men and leaders were so loyal they did not take the credit for their actions and wondered how David’s betrayal of a mighty man impacted that loyalty to David.
David’s Punishment
David receives rebuke and punishment for his sin against Uriah, but God also gives him grace (2 Samuel 12:1-25). Nathan compares David to a rich man with many flocks that took from a poor man his only little lamb, explaining Uriah the Hittite was the poor man and Bathsheba the lamb. Nathan told David that God gave him houses, wives, and would have given more but he despised God’s commandment by killing Uriah and taking Uriah’s wife. Nathan told David that David’s punishment was God would never let the sword leave David’s house and the fighting will come from within his house. David’s actions gave God’s enemies a reason to blaspheme. David’s first child with Bathsheba will die. God struck the child to be very sick and David started fasting and crying to God hoping the Lord would be merciful. When the child died, David comforted Bathsheba and got her pregnant with another child named Solomon also known as Jedidiah meaning beloved of the Lord.
Loyal Commander
David inspired loyalty in his commander/leader of the host/army (2 Samuel 12:26-31). Joab seized the Ammonites royal city, but wanted the credit to go to David. Joab asked him to come. David came with all the people to Rabbah then fought, taking the city, and putting the Ammonites under service. David then returned to Jerusalem.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
David’s sin against Uriah and Bathsheba was wrong and also gave the world an excuse to talk bad related to God. David was more than just a person, he was the example they had for someone that loved God and he set a bad example with his actions. David’s punishment included never having piece within his own household. Imagine God telling you that for the rest of your life someone in your household is going to be warring with someone else in your household. You now face enemies from outside and enemies from within.
David was also someone that inspired loyalty and respect. Joab was so loyal that he could have gotten the credit for winning the victory over the Ammonites but wanted David to have that credit.
How do you think David’s betrayal of the mighty man Uriah the Hittite impacted other warriors loyalty to him when they found out?