Today I read 2 Samuel 14, in which Joab helps Absalom return to be in the presence of David. Today I considered that Joab’s loyalty to David extended beyond the battlefield. Loyalty can include people caring about your emotional and mental health.
Absalom Returns to Israel
Joab helps Absalom return to Jerusalem and return to being in the presence of David (2 Samuel l4:1-33). Joab realized king David had a heart for his son Absalom. Joab had a wise woman from Tekoah act like she was a widow who had two sons that fought each other with one killing the other. The wise woman asked David to judge the situation including people being angry at her and wanting the life of her living son. David said no one would kill her son because David would back her up. David realized Joab had the woman come to him and agreed to Absalom returning to Israel. David said Absalom was to go to his house and not come see David. Absalom returned to Israel and was there two years, but had not seen David. Absalom asked Joab to come see him, but he did not. Absalom set Joab’s field on fire to get him to see him. Joab talked to Absalom who was willing to risk his life to see the king. Joab told the king everything and David allowed Absalom to come before him and kissed Absalom.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Joab was a military commander, a real warrior, but he still cared about David’s overall wellbeing. Joab helped get Absalom to return because he knew David cared about his son. Joab’s loyalty extended beyond giving David the credit for winning the battles to caring about David’s health.
Do you know someone who cares about you beyond what their job requires of them?