Today I read Genesis 2 which mentions the seventh day and Adam and Eve. After reading this chapter I thought about our need for rest, there is life in every breath we take, and woman’s formation from the rib. These are things that many of us take for granted but all valuable when we stop and think about them.

Everyone Needs Rest

No matter whom the person is they need to establish a day each week to rest. The individual could be your parent, friend, spouse, child, preacher, teacher, coworker, boss, public servant, cashier at the store, or even janitor of the building, but that person also needs rest. To ensure you and others continue to function and stay healthy include rest in your weekly activities. Even God said so, see Genesis 2:2-3.

Breath of Life – From God

When you see someone who may be in distress the first thing you usually check for is whether they are breathing. Have you ever considered that every breath we take is because God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life and that is how man had a living soul, see Genesis 2:7.

Rib’s Importance –Woman

Woman was formed from the rib of man according to Genesis 2:22. The ribcage protects vital organs including the lungs and the heart. Women are more important than just being partners and helpmates to men. God knew when He made woman that she came from the structure that protects what houses our breath, the lungs. God also knew she came from the structure that protects all of the blood flowing through our veins, the heart. Every woman should consider their importance in protecting man’s lungs where God breathed into the breath of life giving us souls and men’s hearts. We are to protect and cherish those things not harm them. Yes, women are protectors too.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Genesis 2:15 shows that man’s first job was tending the garden even before God created woman. This reinforces Genesis 1:26. What did you see in Genesis chapter 2 that reinforces what you read in Genesis chapter 1?