Today I read Nehemiah 4, where they had a continuous defense against a conspiracy to stop their building of the walls. Today I considered that people can get angry at your progress and try to stop you from making it, but you must keep up your guard and complete the work.

Non-stop Guarding

The people were building the walls but others wanted to stop them when they realized they actually made progress (Nehemiah 4:1-23). Sanballat and Tobiah were angry and mocked the Jews building the walls. When they had really made progress on the wall building it halfway, Sanballat, Tobiah, the Ammonites, and others became angry and wanted to fight and delay the building of the walls. Nehemiah and others prayed to God, created a watch day and night, and even slept in their clothes to be ready to get up and fight. Some people had worked so hard to get this much of the wall done they became tired. The people were split with half on guard with weapons and half working from sunrise until the stars were out at night. The workers also carried weapons. They placed people with trumpets on the wall so they could blow and get help fighting if that area was attacked. There were always people on guard.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Regardless of others emotions and actions to stop them, the Jews and workers kept their guard up and did not stop working. Remember you cannot give up on the tasks God is having you do. Do not stop working, keep up your guard. Sanballat, Tobiah, the Ammonites and others behavior makes me feel like they were jealous or envious of God’s people. They were angry that the Jews were protecting themselves and their community. What other reason besides jealously is there to be angry at someone else’s success when that success does not harm you?

Why do you think others get angry when you progress or receive blessings in your life?