Today I read Nehemiah 8, in which the law is read and explained to the people along with conducting seven days of feasting and sitting in booths. Today I considered that the instructions in the Bible can be hard to hear and accept but God wants us to rejoice over His word.
Rejoicing Over the Word
The book of law of Moses was hard to hear but God wants us to consider His word holy and rejoice over His word (Nehemiah 8:1-18). Everyone gathered on a street close to the water gate to listen to priest Ezra read the book of the law of Moses. Ezra stood on a wooden platform so everyone could see him. Everyone stood when he opened the book. They all worshiped God. The law was explained to the people by the Levites and others. The people were upset wanting to mourn and cry when they heard the words of the law, but were told not to be upset because this was a holy day, “the joy of the Lord is your strength,” go eat and drink. They also made booths to sit in during these days. The law was read for seven days with people then feasting for seven days. On the eighth day they became serious.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
God’s word is holy and some will find is distressing. God prefers we find joy in Him and rejoice in His word. Regardless you have to choose to believe or not to believe. You have to choose to follow or not to follow. Faith is a choice.
Can you have joy after reading God’s word because He loved you enough to make it available to you?