Today I read Job 3, which is the speech of Job cursing the day he was born, and tells of his real pain. Today I considered that Job experienced both physical and mental anguish but waited on God and did not take his life into his own hands.

Job’s Speech of Longing For Peace in Death

Job gives a speech about how he wishes he was not born and could be at rest in the grave (Job 3:1-26). Job cursed the day he was born and the night he was conceived. Job said that day and that night should have been dark. Job wondered why he was born, nurtured, and breast fed. He implies it would have been better to be stillborn and at rest. Job appears to long for and would rejoice at death. He has no rest but has groaning. Job has suffered the thing he feared most and is in turmoil.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Even in awful circumstances, God is the one to decide our fate. Job was in pain. Job had painful boils all over his body that he was scrapping to relieve the pain. He was also emotionally messed up because the thing he feared most concerning his children occurred in that he lost all of them. Even as Job longed for the peace found in death, he did not take his life into his hands. He knew that that choice was up to God.

Have you ever discussed with someone who feels in pain and longs for death the story of what Job went through?