Today I read Job 8, Bildad’s speech to Job after Job replied to Eliphaz. Today I considered that sometimes a friend’s opinion is not correct and you have to decide how and if to address what they said.

Bildad’s Speech

Bildad insulted Job, blamed Job’s children, and said seeking God would help Job (Job 8:1-22). Bildad said Job was talking foolishly. Bildad implied to Job that all his children sinned that’s why they died and if Job didn’t sin he could seek God to make him prosperous again. Bildad said learn from the old sayings like plants withered without soil and water just like those that forgot God. Bildad said hypocrites lose hope and their houses fall in. He said God does not harm those that are righteous but he does not help those who are wicked. Bildad said God will give you laughter and discredit your enemies.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Job’s friend Bildad acted like he knew why Job faced disaster and loss. Bildad blamed Job’s children and told Job to seek God because God will not harm a righteous man. Bildad was wrong because righteous people can face disaster and loss. People can go through trials that are not caused by sin.

Have you had a friend blame someone when you were pretty sure it wasn’t the person’s fault? Did you pray and tell the friend the truth or were you quiet?