Today I read Job 11, Zophar’s speech to Job. Zophar believed Job sinned, was being punished, and wanted him to be rebuked by God. Today I considered that things can happen even when you have done nothing wrong and should not be blamed.

Zophar Blaming Job

Zophar believed Job was doing evil and said the wicked have nothing to look forward to (Job 11:1-20). Zophar said Job was talking a lot to justify himself and they would reply to him. Zophar believed God had only given Job half of what he deserved. He wishes God would tell Job off. Zophar admits God is farther reaching and knowing than we can imagine. Zophar told Job to reach out to God with clean hands putting away evil and he’ll have hope and many blessings. He said the wicked have nothing to look forward to.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Zophar blamed Job but could have chosen to encourage Job with positive words instead. Zophar could not say Job had done any specific thing wrong so he did not have the right to say the disaster was Job’s fault.

Do you know someone who always tries to place blame on someone in negative situations even without the facts?