Today I read Job 15, in which Eliphaz responds to Job by verbally attacking Job. Today I considered that some people want to attack you when you don’t agree with them so you have to be careful to seek God before you respond.
Eliphaz’s Attack
Eliphaz implies Job he is an unwise, godless, sinner whose life will get worse (Job 15:1-35). Eliphaz says Job is not wise and talking nonsense and your own words condemn you as sinning. Eliphaz tells Job he doesn’t know more than them and the old folks older than them are agreeing with what Eliphaz and the others are saying. Eliphaz says mortals are not sinless, God even say flaws in the angels. Eliphaz told Job to listen to him. He believed Job was doing his own thing, not listening to God, and at odds with God so Job’s situation would only get worse. Eliphaz says the hypocrites and godless are fruitless and desolate.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
There are some people who want to be able to criticize you but if you say something back they will attack you. If you respond those people, you have to be prepared to back up your words with scripture and faith. It is better to pray before responding so you can let your words be led by God and you be protected by God.
Have you ever had someone respond harshly or verbally attack you when you truthfully respond to them?