Today I read Job 19, in which Job responds that they should have compassion for him, but even if he dies one day the redeemer will come and he will see God. Today I considered that even when Job was isolated, despised, and rejected, he had faith that one day he would see his redeemer, Jesus.
Job’s Faith In The Redeemer
Job tells his friends they hurt him and he has lost so much but he still believes he will see his redeemer one day (Job 19:1-29). Job asks them how long they will hurt him with their words because they have already done so 10 times. Job says he has already lost so much including power, health, and hope. Job cried out to God but believes he was not heard. His family, friends, and servants are not helping him. Even children despise him. Job asked them to have pity on him. Job believed his redeemer lives. Even if Job’s body dies, in the end days Job expects to see God. Everyone will face judgment.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Job is alone, and in pain with boils and worms on his body. His friends are talking bad to him and he has lost hope. Job still believed that even after death he will see the redeemer. Job believed Jesus Christ would come and he would see God one day. Regardless of everyone else Job believed in the redeemer.
Have you ever felt at the end of your rope and without hope, but remembered that Jesus Christ is still there for you and all you have to do is pray to reach out to him?