Today I read Job 20, in which Zophar’s speech implies Job was wicked in his youth. Today I considered that not all hardships you face can be blamed upon what you did in your youth. God may just be using it to make you grow today.
Zophar Attacks Job
Zophar’s response to Job implies that Job lost everything because of Job’s wickedness (Job 20:1-29). Zophar said since man has been on the earth the wicked and hypocrite enjoy themselves for a moment but then perish. The wicked may have gained things in his youth but will lose his riches. The wicked that violently took from others and oppressed the poor will pay restitution. Wicked people shall attack the wicked and he will have to flee. God allows the wicked to lose everything.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Zophar implied Job did something bad when he was young and now has the consequences. But there is nothing Zophar can specifically say Job did that he should be punished for right then. Sometimes you are facing a hardship that is not caused by something you did when you were young. Hardships can be trials we face for God to take us to the next level, reasons for change in our current lives, ways for us to learn and grow, and any number of reasons. Look beyond your childhood for what you face today, it may be related to your growth today.
What hardship or trial have you faced that helped you grow or learn something recently?