Today I read Job 32 and 33, the beginning of Elihu declaring his opinion by asking Job to listen. Today I considered that you can choose whether to listen to or ignore someone stepping into the middle of an argument but praying is the best way to decide.

Elihu Asks Job to Listen

Elihu listened to all the back and forth arguing, got the opportunity to talk when they became quiet, and said he was going to teach Job (Job 32:1-33:33).  Elihu had sat listening to the older men talk expecting them to know more and find the answers. When the first three stopped responding because Job refused to say he had done anything wrong and they still had no answer, Elihu got angry with all four of them. Elihu told them age did not make them wise and now he would give an argument that was not the same as the answers they gave to Job. Elihu made sure they weren’t going to say anything else and wanted to speak so bad he was ready to explode. Elihu asked Job to listen to him. He said Job continued to say Job was innocent and God was picking on him. God is greater than man, you can’t take him to court. God always answers including through dreams and suffering but man may not recognize the answer. Elihu says God repeatedly pulls people who have messed up their lives from destruction into the light. Elihu asks Job to keep listening while he gives Job wisdom.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Many people listen to others arguing and want to come give their opinion. Some actually do especially if they know the people who are arguing. That does not mean you have to listen to them. Sometimes a third party is helpful and sometimes is causes nothing but more confusion. The way to know whether to listen is to ask God if you should listen to them or not. Yes, pray.

When have you experienced a third party helping a situation and/or hurting a situation?