Today I read Exodus 5 and 6, in which Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh to let Israel go, but Pharaoh increases their burden. Today I considered when individuals begin the journey with God it can be difficult. We must wait on God’s process and focus on His promises.

Obstacles Come

Sometimes the situation gets worse in the beginning. Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let Israel go worship God in the wilderness (Exodus 5:1). Pharaoh said they were not busy enough and they would need to get their own straw to make bricks. Pharaoh had the Israel officers beaten when they did not make the brick quota. The people no longer wanted to listen to Moses. The obstacles to make time for God are real when you make a decision to follow Him. Don’t give up.

God Requests First

Those impacting God’s people are warned before consequences come. Moses was upset that after he went to Pharaoh in God’s name, everything was worse (Exodus 5:22-23). God warns about what He will do to Pharaoh (Exodus 6:1). God then promises to fulfill His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 6:8). The waiting through the warning and waiting on the promise is not easy. Focus on the promise and covenant God has made.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

When was the last time you saw a situation get worse before God delivered you or another person from it?