Today I read Deuteronomy 4, where Moses commands obedience to God’s law, states idolatry is forbidden, and reminds them that Israel as a chosen nation because of the blessing passed down from their forefathers. Today I considered that forefathers’ actions can matter.

Be Obedient, You Are Chosen

The Israelites are told to obey God, avoid idolatry, remember God’s might, and keep in mind they are a chosen people (Deuteronomy 4:1-49). Moses tells the Israelites to follow God’s laws not changing any of the commandments, to follow the statutes and judgments God had Moses teach the people, and to remember how God spoke to them out of mount Horeb. Obedience will make you live longer. Moses reminded them of how God destroyed all the men following Baal-peor but those that clung to God are alive. The Israelites were not to make any image or figure because it could become an idol they worship later. God is jealous and worshiping idols would incite God to anger. Then God would scatter the Israelites among the nations, but also have mercy when they call out to God.  No one has done anything as powerful as God did in creating man, doing miracles to bring them out of Egypt, and speaking to the people from the midst of the fire. God chose the Israelites because God loved their forefathers, that’s why God drove out nations to give them an inheritance. Moses set aside three sanctuary cities for those committing accidental manslaughter.

 Questions and Thoughts for Today

Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and other elders’ actions do matter. Their actions can bless future generations even if they are not their direct child. An example is Abraham’s nephew Lot and Lot’s descendants (Deuteronomy 2:9) were protected from losing their land to the Israelites. We have to remember that what we do impacts those coming behind us.

What have you done or you plan on doing to positively impact those coming after you?