Today I read Deuteronomy 5, in which Moses goes over the Ten Commandments with the Israelites. Today I considered that God gave us the Ten Commandments but most people have a hard time obeying all of them.
Reviewing the Ten Commandments
Moses had all of Israel gather to remind them of God giving them the Ten Commandments and to go over what happened (Deuteronomy 5:1-33). When the Israelites were in Horeb, the Lord made a covenant with them telling them the rules. Moses stood between the Lord and the people while the Lord was speaking. The first commandment was “Thou shalt have none other gods before me” (Deut. 5:7 KJV). The commandments talk about not having images or idols, not cursing God, keeping the Sabbath, honoring parents, not killing, not committing adultery, not lying, and not coveting others things. The last commandment was about the treatment of neighbors. Then the people were afraid and asked Moses to keep listening but to let them leave. God agreed to the Israelites request. Moses said following the rules prolongs their lives and lets them live well.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
The Ten Commandments include the actions you take and sinning within your thoughts. The first commandment of not having anything you put before God is broken by most people. Most people do not begin their day with prayer and thanking God before they do anything else. People try harder to get to work on time than to get to church on time. Not everyone may be stealing, killing, or lying but some curse using God’s name. People are more addicted to TV shows, novels, smoking, drinking, and other things than reading God’s word and praying to God. Even those who are jealous of others and want what others have are sinning. Everyone falls short but by the grace given us through Jesus Christ we can still be saved.
Which commandment(s) are you breaking that you need to pray about? How have you seen God help you follow the commandments when you pray?