Today I read Judges 4, in which judge Deborah accompanied Barak to war and God gave them the victory through Jael. Today I considered that God gives the victory even when our faith is not strong enough to go alone.

Judge Deborah and Barak

God chose Deborah as the next judge and Barak as their warrior captain but Barak needed Deborah to go with him (Judges 4:1-24). After Ehud died, Israelites committed evil, and the Lord gave them to king Jabin whose captain was Sisera. After 20 years the Israelites cried out to the Lord for help, and the Lord had judge Deborah tell Barak to go with 10,000 men to save them. Barak would only go if prophetess Deborah agreed to go with him. Deborah agreed and said a woman would kill Sisera. The two armies fought with Sisera’s horses and chariots being distressed by the Lord. Barak’s men followed killing Sisera’s men, but Sisera escaped and hid in Jael’s tent. Heber’s wife Jael killed Sisera as he slept. The Israelites won against king Jabin.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Barak was willing to go to war but felt like he needed Deborah there for them to win. Barak had enough faith to go but not to go alone. Even when Moses was sent to free the Israelites and felt like he needed someone to speak for him, God had Aaron accompany Moses. Sometimes we also have faith in God but feel the need for someone to go with us. Even if we take someone God approves of with us, God can still give us the victory.

When have you had faith to go, but felt like you needed someone to go with you? Did you get them and still go?