Today I read Judges 6, in which God chose fearful Gideon as judge to deliver the Israelites. Today I considered that God uses even the fearful to take action for God.

God Reassured the Fearful

God chose a fearful man, Joash’s son Gideon, who was always asking for signs from God to be willing to fight the Midianites (Judges 6:1-40). The Israelites committed evil and God had the Midianites win against the Israelites. The Midianites would steal or destroy all the Israelites food crops and animals, so they were poor. The Israelites suffered for seven years and cried out to God. God sent a prophet to tell them how God delivered them before but they still were disobedient to God. Gideon was hiding to separate or thresh wheat for something to eat. An angel of the Lord told Gideon he was to save the Israelites. Gideon said he was the least of the smallest tribe and asked for a sign. The angel of the Lord took the cake and part of the baby goat Gideon gave and had fire consume it from touching it with a staff. Gideon and his men worked at night due to do as God instructed, taking down his father’s altar to Baal, cutting down the grove beside it, using the wood for God’s sacrifice, and sacrificing to God. The men of the city saw it in the morning and asked Joash to bring out his son to die, but Joash said let Baal ask. The Midianties and Amalekites gathered to fight them so Gideon sent to several Israelite tribes to come fight. Gideon then asked for another sign of a fleece being wet and the ground dry one night then the opposite the next night to believe God was with him.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God will use you even if you are afraid. Gideon was a fearful man, afraid of the Midianites, and hiding to separate wheat to eat when the angel appeared to him. Gideon kept asking for signs to show God was with him before he took actions. God kept responding with signs to reassure Gideon. If you are afraid, God can give you a sign that he is with you and will help you.

What signs have you seen or heard about that show the Lord was with someone who was afraid?