Today I read Exodus 11 and 12, which talks about the last plague or plague of the firstborn, and Pharaoh releasing the children of Egypt. Today I considered how God fulfilled His promise, that we need to be ready, and we can be part of God’s family.

God’s Promise

God fulfills His promise of riches and freedom through the last plague. God had Israel borrow silver and gold from their neighbors before the plague began (Exodus 11:2). The plague impacted every Egyptian household (Exodus 12:29-30) killing the Egyptian firstborn children and cattle (Exodus 11:5). The Egyptians feared they would die and wanted the Hebrews gone (Exodus 12:33). Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron in the middle of the night and told Israel to leave (Exodus 12:31). God can use great hardship to fulfill His promises.

Ready But Not Ready

After God tells us when to move, we must be ready. God told them it was the last plague and afterward Pharaoh would push them out of Egypt (Exodus 11:1). The Israelites did what Moses and Aaron commanded. They borrowed from the Egyptians (Exodus 12:35-36), struck blood on the doorposts (Exodus 12:22), and ate a lamb in the night while dressed with their shoes on and a rod in their hands (Exodus 12:11). They were still not completely ready because they did not have food prepared for the journey (Exodus 12:39). We should do as God tells us but also use commons sense to be ready for travel.

God Allowed Others

God allowed others to be adopted into the family. God said that strangers that stay and keep the Passover and circumcision shall be considered one of them (Exodus 12:48). Everyone shall follow the same rules (Exodus 12:49). We are to do all that we can to follow God’s will, and God allows us to be part of His family.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

If a person knows they are taking a long hike with no restaurants around, they usually have water bottles and prepared food like granola bars. Can you imagine having to walk miles with children in tow and older people but you have no snacks or even crackers prepared for them to eat along the way?