Today I read Exodus 13 and 14, which talks about the Israelites fleeing Egypt and God parting the Red Sea. God wanted Israel to celebrate the freedom God gave them. God also showed them He could fight for them and even destroy armies. Today I considered that God wants us to know the power belongs to Him, God knows how we are, and God can defeat armies to protect His children.

Passover Established

God wants us to remember His power. God established Passover with a seven day feast of unleavened bread for Israel to remember God’s might in bringing them out of bondage (Exodus 13:3). God also told the people to set apart the firstborn of male animals to be God’s and to redeem the firstborn of their children. This was to remember God’s power of killing all the firstborn in Egypt but sparing the Israelites (Exodus 13:15). Let’s remember that the power comes from God.

God Knows Us

God knows what we can handle when He is directing our steps. God led the people with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to the wilderness (Exodus 13:20-22). God knew the people were not ready for war so He took them another route (Exodus 13:17). God warned Moses Pharaoh would come after them (Exodus 14:3-4). Moses told the people God would fight for them (Exodus 14:14). God knows when we are not ready to fight and can take us on a longer route in which He protects us to get where we are going. Don’t be upset if your route took longer.

God Honored

God can show His might upon large armies. Pharaoh with his army of chariots and horsemen came after the Egyptians (Exodus 14:17-18). God put the pillar of fire cloud behind Israel making it dark for the Egyptians (Exodus 14:19-20). When God had Moses part the Red Sea for Israel to cross, the Egyptians army followed. God then had Moses close the Red Sea with Egypt’s army being covered by the waters (Exodus 14:26-28). God did not just win, God destroyed Egypt’s army. God can protect us even from armies when we are following His path.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Have you or your family ever had a feast just to honor God and God’s blessings upon you?