Today I read Exodus 15, in which the people praised God and God answered their prayer about water. Today I considered that God wants us to praise Him with song, dance, and instruments. I also considered that God will provide us with abundant drinkable water if we pray and do as He instructs.

Praising God

Praise God with what you have. The children of Israel praised God with a song listing His strengths and triumphs over Egypt (Exodus 15:1-21). Miriam and others also danced and used tambourines. It is good to praise and worship God with our voices and through dance and through playing instruments.


God will provide the water we need to survive, we just need to pray. Moses prayed for drinkable water and God showed him a tree to throw in the waters and make it sweet (Exodus 15:25). God told them to do His will and led them to Elim where there were twelve wells of water (Exodus 15:26-27). We are sometimes blessed with enough to quench our thirst but then God will give more than enough if we follow Him.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Have you ever seen someone who was barely surviving turn to God and thrive?