Today I read Exodus 16, which talks about God giving the people quail and manna to eat. Today I considered that God provides delicious provision to address our concerns but we need to be obedient in our use of God’s provision.
Delicious Provision
God knows our concerns and addresses them His way. The Israelites complained that they did not have meat and bread to eat (Exodus 16:8). God gave them quail to gather at night and bread to gather daily with the morning dew, except the Sabbath (Exodus 16:13-15). The bread called manna could be prepared in different ways (Exodus 16:23) and tasted like honey (Exodus 16:31). We sometimes receive deliveries from God in ways we do not expect. Be prepared to receive them.
Obedience in Provision
God sometimes gives instructions for handling His provision. Moses told the Israelites to gather only the bread they needed each day for five days of the week. On the sixth day Israelites were to gather twice as much so they could rest on the Sabbath. Some disobeyed and gathered too much during the daily gathering days so the leftovers stank. Some did not gather enough on the sixth day for the Sabbath and were unable to get any that day. God does allow us to experience stink and lack due to our disobedience.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Have you ever received a blessing in an unexpected way so you did not take it?