Today I read Exodus 17, in which God provided water from a rock and God helped Israel win a battle. The rod of God was used to get water for the Israelites and to help the Israelites win the battle with Amalek. Today I considered that God provided water before and will do so again, and God help Israel win the battle but Israel used teamwork.
Water from Rock
God provided water previously but the people acted like God would not do so again. Israel traveled to a new location and the people blamed Moses for not having water there (Exodus 17:1-3). Moses prayed and followed God’s instructions to strike the rock in front of the elders for water to come out of the rock (Exodus 17:4-7). God previously provided, we need to pray and follow God’s instructions like Moses to get what we need again.
God’s Rod Raised
God helped Israel win the battle with Amalek in Rephidim but Israel did use teamwork (Exodus 17:8-16). Moses believed God would help them win and stood on top of a hill with the rod of God raised. When the rod was raised, the fighters led by Joshua were winning. When Moses arms got tired Aaron and Hur held up his arms so Israel won the overall battle. Sometimes we need to help each other by doing our part to win the battle.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
This was teamwork. The battle with Amalek had a general, prayer interceder, and people holding up the person interceding. Joshua was fighting and leading the troops. Moses, who was over 80 years old, was going to God with hands raised. Aaron and Hur were holding up Moses hands.
Have you or someone you know ever been part of a team in going to God and saw positive results?