Today I read Exodus 19 and 20, which talk about God showing himself to the people in a cloud on Mount Sinai and God giving Moses the Ten Commandments. Today I considered that we have to commit to God for Him to reveal Himself to us and the world would be better if we lived by the Ten Commandments.
Agree then Reveal
God got Israel’s agreement to follow Him then showed Himself as a thick cloud to ensure the belief of the people (Exodus 19:3-19). God made an agreement with Israel that if they obey Him, God will make Israel a people that are treasured by God above all people. Moses prepared the people by having them clean and sanctify themselves for two days before God descended on Mount Sinai. God spoke to Moses out of the thick cloud on the mount so that the people believed and heard Him. We have to agree to be God’s before He shows Himself to us.
Ten Commandments
God gives the foundation rules for putting God first and interacting with other people (Exodus 20:3-17). God wants us to love, respect, honor, and remember Him. God wants us to honor our parents and respect other people especially our neighbors. Following God’s foundational rules would make the world a much nicer place for us to live.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
Imagine a better world in which there is no murder, no theft, no adultery, no lying, and no jealousy. That is the type of world God actually wants for us. Is there anything you can think of to help us get closer to that type of world?