Today I read Exodus 21, which talked about the treatment of servants or slaves and the punishments for taking a life. Today I considered that even when God’s children were desperate enough to sale themselves into slavery they were given freedom after a time. I also considered that God considers the taking of another person’s life or the life of a person’s cattle seriously.

Seven Years to Life

God had rules for length of service, treatment, and freedom of Hebrews servants (Exodus 21:1-11). Hebrew men were freed by the end of seven years or chose to be a servant forever to stay with their wife. Hebrew women were brought into the household as a wife or daughter and could be redeemed or set free if not treated right. Even if God’s children become desperate because of money or debts, God will give them a way to free themselves.

Murder and Strife

God is serious about the killing or maiming of people and the killing of people’s livestock (Exodus 21:12-36). Murderers could be killed, injured people paid their lost wages, and maimed servants set free. God says to give an “eye for an eye”. Even livestock killing another person’s livestock required compensation. God believes in repaying people for their losses.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Did you know the phrase give an “eye for an eye” came from the Bible?

So many people fight about the death penalty. The laws say to give death to murders but give a place to flee to (Exodus 21:13-14) when it was not preplanned or premeditated.

What do you believe concerning the death penalty and what God wants us to do?