Today I read Genesis 4 which to the best of my knowledge had the first recorded murder, first known true diversity in job opportunities, and showed men beginning to calling upon the name of the Lord. Today I considered God’s grace even in punishment and new blessings after heartache.
Jealousy is not an emotion to let ourselves dwell in because it can lead to sin and awful consequences. Cain probably killed his brother Abel because of jealousy. Abel’s offering was accepted by God. God explained to Cain that Cain’s offering was not accepted because of something within Cain. Cain still chose to kill Abel while in the field as if his actions could be hidden. God punished Cain by taking away his occupation of tilling the ground and making Cain leave his home and lands.
New Jobs/Occupations
Sometimes when one avenue is closed to you, another one is opened. Cain could no longer till the ground to do farming but Cain’s descendants developed other jobs including keeping cattle, playing instruments, and making things out of brass and iron. Even after the wrong Cain committed God left other avenues open to Cain and his children.
Blessings after Heartache
Heartache can be followed by blessings. Adam and Eve lost the most precious thing to a parent, their children. Abel was dead and Cain was gone, but God blessed them with another child, Seth. Following the birth of Seth and his descendants men began to call upon the name of the Lord. What a blessing it is to be able to call upon the name of the Lord with a pure heart. I believe God saves us, rescues us, gives us mercy, fills us with the spirit, and gives us guidance when we call upon the name of the Lord.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
What does calling upon the name of the Lord mean to you?
What do you think about the phrase “Am I my brother’s keeper” (Genesis 4:9) being first used by Cain when God asked him about Abel?