Today I read Exodus 29, which talks about consecrating the priests and offerings to be made upon the altar. Today I considered that priests used to be sanctified for seven days before they took office and wave offerings were offered to God by the priests.

Sanctifying the Priests

Priests ministering to God should be prepared for that duty (Exodus 29:1-21). God said that Aaron and his son’s had to be sanctified to minister unto God. They were brought to the door of the tabernacle and washed with water then Aaron’s priest apparel was placed upon him before Aaron’s sons’ priest attire was placed upon them. They were to be sanctified for seven days to be prepared as priests. We should pray for and sanctify those stepping into the office of a priest.

The Wave Offering

Priests are to give a wave offering to God part to be put upon the altar and part to be kept by the priest (Exodus 29:23-28). Aaron and his sons waved unleavened bread before the altar and burnt it upon the altar. Aaron and his sons then took the breast of the ram and the heave and waved them before the Lord as a wave offering. The breast and heave they were able to keep as their portion. Our priests are to give part of what they receive back to God and keep part of it.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

I have heard in church the concept of a wave offering to God but until today I did not realize this was to be done by the priests at least according to Exodus 29.

Have you ever heard of something but when you read the actual scripture it changed how you think about it?