Today I read Exodus 32, which talked about the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. Today I considered that we need to have the patience to wait on God and his servants. We can also intervene on others behalf by pleading to God.


God expects us to wait for His direction and not turn to fake gods (Exodus 32:1-6). While Moses was communing with God and getting the two tables of the Ten Commandments, the Israelites asked for an idol to worship. Aaron took the earrings they gave him and turned them into a golden calf. The people had a feast and worshiped the golden calf. We need to remember to not become so impatient we put other things before God. We should not care more about idols, fake gods, numerology, astrology, gambling, television, cell phones or anything else. God is more important.

Interceding for the Israelites

God allows others to plead on our behalf to God (Exodus 32:7-35). God told Moses that Moses’ people had sinned by making a golden calf and worshiping it. God wanted to destroy them all but Moses reminded God the people were God’s people and God made promises to His servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. God chose to not kill all the Israelites. God did trouble the people and erased the names of those that sinned against Him. We can pray to God for others in our lives and lessen the consequences they face.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

God’s timing is not our timing. We need wait on God.