Today I read Exodus 40, which talks about the assembling of the tabernacle and how the Israelites knew when to move. Moses finished assembling the tabernacle according to God’s instructions. The cloud that covered the tabernacle would be gone when it was time to move. Today I considered that we should work to complete our dreams and visions, and we should listen when God gives us indications we should move.

Assembling of the Tabernacle

God gave Moses instructions on finalizing the temple and Moses followed them (Exodus 40:1-33). Moses assembled the tabernacle on the first day of the first month. He placed all of the items according to the instructions. Moses anointed altars, vessels and even the tabernacle priests. He finished the work. When God gives us dreams and visions on how to do something, we should listen so we can finish the work God has for us.

Moving According to God

The people only moved when God gave them an indication to move (Exodus 40:34-38). During the day, a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the tabernacle was filled with God’s glory. During the night, the tabernacle was filled with fire. When the cloud was not appearing above the tabernacle, the people knew it was time to move. God can give us indications it’s time to move or change something in our lives. We should listen to Him.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

I have now read 2 books of the Bible. I have a ways to go.

Tomorrow I will read Obadiah, a short book, perfect for the one day left in the week.