Today I read Proverbs 6 and 7, which warns about being surety for friends, being wicked, and committing adultery. People are to prepare like the ant for hard times like winter periods. People are to not do wickedness like lying and causing discord. People are not to cheat on their spouse. Today I considered we should not co-sign for others and we should leave married people alone.
Don’t Be Surety
God prefers we are prepared instead of in debt (Proverbs 6:1-11). God does not want us to sign and promise for others like friends. If we do, God wants us to work hard to clear our names of the debt. It is better to work hard like the ant while there is plenty and store up for the hard times we face so we are not in poverty.
God Dislikes Wickedness
God will give sudden destruction to the wicked (Proverbs 6:12-19). God’s destruction will be complete for dishonest people, those causing problems, and those harming the innocent. We are to remember God has defined what is wicked and we should avoid these activities.
Don’t Commit Adultery
Proverbs 6:20-7:27 warns sons not to commit adultery. Women can entice men with their words, looks, promises of love all night long, and promises of their husbands being gone. Men are not to listen because the dishonor, jealousy, and rage this brings to another man cannot be fixed with gifts, they’ll want vengeance.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
We are not to co-sign. Co-signing for loans, cell phones, putting utilities in your name, and more are a common thing that many people have done. It’s also a hard lesson when people pay for months or a year or two then your credit is messed up. God doesn’t want us to do this. Do you know of someone who co-signed and had problems later?
Adultery is serious and can lead to people becoming violent and wanting revenge. Individuals have gone after their spouse, the spouse’s lover, their reputations, their careers, and even tried to destroy their relationships with family and friends. Have you heard of people doing any of these things because of someone cheating?