Today I read Proverbs 10, which are verses from Solomon about the wise and the foolish. Today I considered that the wise and righteous receive blessings and benefits while the wicked and foolish will have more problems and face violence. I also considered love’s affect on our actions.

Wise and Righteous

Solomon said being wise and righteous benefits you and others (Proverbs 10:1-32). The wise and righteous are blessed, have longer lives, are delivered from death, and receive what they desire. Their parents are proud. They know what is acceptable to say, that is as valuable as silver, and can benefit many. We are to be like the wise by continuing to learn so our speech is valuable and beneficial.

Wicked and Foolish

Solomon said being wicked and foolish is detrimental (Proverbs 10:1-32).  The wicked and foolish lose their treasures, have shortened lives, will face violence, and what they fear will happen to them. Their parents consider them a burden. They enjoy conversations that cause problems and trouble. We are to recognize when individuals are wicked or foolish and protect ourselves from facing the violence and trouble that follows them.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

The passage made me think about how you sometimes let loved ones and family members get away with more than you would a stranger. “Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” Proverbs 10:12 KJV

What does this passage make you think of?