Today I read Genesis 11 and 12, which includes the tower of Babel and God calling Abraham to move. Today I considered when we move because of confusion versus through God’s direction. Moving because of confusion can land you in the wrong location but every move following God’s direction can be a protected.

Moving Because of Confusion

Lack of understanding can cause a desire to form groups with those that understand you, but we need to be careful what group we choose to join. We are raised in groups in which we understand the lingo. After the flood everyone came from Noah. They understood each other and were living in the land of Shinar also called land of the Chaldeans. From my understanding Terah was likely living in the area around Babel (Genesis 10:10). God separated them by multiple languages and the people scattered (Genesis 11:7-8). Terah moved with his family including his son Abraham to the land of the Canaan. Canaan was the person cursed by Noah (Genesis 9:25 & 27).

Moving as God Directs

When you move as God directs, God will bless you and protect you. God blessed Abraham’s obedience in moving, blessing those that bless Abraham and cursing those that curse Abraham (Genesis 12:3). Even as Abraham and his family faced famine, they obtained food in Egypt. When Pharaoh took Abraham’s wife Sarah to Pharaoh’s house, God sent plagues to Pharaoh’s house. Abraham moved as God directed. God both ensured Abraham was fed and protected Abraham’s wife.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

When Noah cursed Canaan, he also blessed Shem (Genesis 9:25-26). Abraham is the descendant of Shem. God blessing Abraham all these years later appears to me like God is honoring the words of Noah.

Have you ever said something and saw the results of your words years later?