Today I read Jonah which is the story of Jonah being swallowed by the whale. This is about more than a whale but show’s God’s determination to save over 120,000 lives. Today I considered that we have to be obedient to God, God can make our lives difficult if we disobey, and God prefers people turn from evil and are saved.

Jonah’s Disobedience

Jonah ran away from doing what God told him to do (Jonah 1:1-4). God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and let them know they are wrong. Jonah did not want to and tried to run to Tarshish on a ship. God sent out a wind so strong the ship was almost broken. We should remember that obedience to God is important.

God’s Response to Jonah

God responded to Jonah’s disobedience by forcing him to obey (Jonah 1:5-2:10). The ship’s crew were afraid the wind would take down the ship so they prayed, cast lots seeing that Jonah was causing the problem, and even tried to make it to land. When they could not get to land, Jonah told them to cast him into the sea and they eventually did but prayed to God to spare them. The sea calmed and Jonah was swallowed by the whale God prepared. Jonah cried unto God and God had the whale spit Jonah out on dry land. God does have the power to make our lives hard until we repent and obey Him.

Sparing Nineveh

God spares the city of Nineveh (Jonah 3:1-4:11). Jonah preached in Nineveh and the people and king believed God would overthrow the city. The king had everyone and every animal fast and change their ways so that God would spare the city. God extended His grace and mercy to the city to spare the 120,000 people in the city. God prefers to save lives but requires us to turn from evil.

Questions and Thoughts for Today

Jonah’s actions led many non-believers to believe in God and showed God’s grace. The ship’s crew made sacrifices and promises to God (Jonah 1:16). The entire city of Nineveh feared God and turned from evil (Jonah 3:7-8).

What one preacher during your lifetime has made such a huge impact as Jonah, saving over 120,000 people?