Today I read the book of Micah, which talks about God’s anger concerning Samaria, leaders and prophets, what will happen in the last days, and what will happen before the end. Today I considered that God cares about the company we keep, the effectiveness of leaders and prophets shows if they are with God, we need to be following and worshiping God when the last days come, and God is patient to wait and still bring about His promises.
God First
God wants nothing put before God. God was angry concerning Samaria and the high places of Judah in Jerusalem saying destruction was coming because of their wickedness and worshiping false gods (Micah 1:2-7). Those with money stole people’s land and inheritance so God will bring evil upon their families (Micah 2:1-3). God tells the men whom they treated badly and the women whom they kicked out of their homes to leave this wicked place (Micah 2:7-10). God does not want us to tolerate or stay around people who put false Gods, evil, and even money before God.
Effectiveness of Leaders and Prophets
God reviews leaders and prophets actions and will judge them accordingly. Israel’s leaders that love evil and harm their people, God will not hear them when they call unto Him (Micah 3:1-4). The prophets that cause people to do wrong, God will make them unable to see visions and prophesies (Micah 3:5-8). We can watch the results of leaders and prophets to see if God is actually with them.
The Last Days
In the last days everyone will come to learn God’s law and worship the Lord our God (Micah 4:1-5). There will be peace and no war. The ruler of Israel will come from Bethlehem and be a man of peace (Micah 5:2-5). When the ruler comes the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, and God will cut off witchcraft, graven images, and put vengeance upon the heathen (Micah 5:7-15). We should remember that when that day comes the most important thing is to be loving and following God through God’s word and worshiping Him.
Before the End Comes
God is unhappy with His people but in the end will keep the promises He made to Israel. God complains to the mountains and hills about what God has done for Israel including delivering them from Egypt and only asking for them to be just, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:1-8). Since Israel is not doing this God will make them sick and not prosper (Micah 6:9-16). After the time of evil including not trusting parents or friends, God will gather His people, God will show His might, and keep His promises related to Jacob and Abraham (Micah 7:1-20). God is not like human beings because He has patience to wait, even when we are wrong, until the right time to deliver on His promises.
Questions and Thoughts for Today
These prophets are giving us information about what will happen before the last days but also showing God keeping His promises to His children. What step can you take today to bring you closer to following and worshiping God when the last days come?