Bible Blog 141

Today I read 1 Chronicles 23 and 24, which talks about the priests and Levites being assembled, naming the descendants, and outlining some of the duties. Today I considered it is best to have a leader take over while they have guidance to help them organize...

Bible Blog 140

Today I read 1 Chronicles 22, in which David gathered supplies so Solomon is prepared to build the temple. Today I considered that preparation before beginning a project is the wise choice. Preparation Before Building David gathered supplies, information, and helpers...

Bible Blog 139

Today I read 1 Chronicles 21, about Satan inspiring David’s census and God’s response of wrath. Today I considered that leaders make mistakes impacting the people but God’s mercy can step in. Satan Tricks Leaders David listened to Satan to number the people; God...

Bible Blog 138

Today I read 1 Chronicles 20, within a year after defeating the Ammonites the war continued against the Ammonites and the Philistines. Today I considered the fierce protectiveness of a leader for his people and warrior kings retaining mighty men that win in battle....

Bible Blog 137

Today I read 1 Chronicles 19, which tells of David and the Ammonites battling because people feared David’s nice actions. Today I considered David did not start the war but he finished it, fear should not lead us to sin, and a good leader considers his follower’s...

Bible Blog 136

Today I read 1 Chronicles 18, which talks about David’s victories after becoming king. Today I considered that when David gained from his enemies and others he gave to God. David then maintained what he obtained and set structure. Taking But Giving David subdued his...