Bible Blog 129

Today I read 1 Chronicles 10, which tells how Saul and his sons were killed on mount Gilboa. Today I considered that God does not always protect individuals who are repeatedly sinning. Dying for Your Sin God let Saul die for the sins he committed (1 Chronicles...

Bible Blog 128

Today I read 1 Chronicles 9, which talks the inhabitants of Jerusalem, their genealogy and offices in the temple, and the family of Saul. Today I considered that there are so many roles within the body of Christ that many people can contribute to the ministry. Temple...

Bible Blog 127

Today I read 1 Chronicles 8, which lists more of the descendants of the family of Benjamin. Today I considered that within a family we can have people covering different needed areas including leaders and warriors. King Saul’s Line and Mighty Men Benjamin’s...

Bible Blog 126

Today I read 1 Chronicles 7, which talks about the families of Issachar, Benjamin, Naphtali, Ephraim, and Asher. They had mighty men, warriors, chiefs, and builders in their families. Today I considered that God blesses us with mighty men to fight our battles and...

Bible Blog 125

Today I read 1 Chronicles 6, which talks the descendants of Levi, the descendants of Aaron, and some the services they performed for God. Today I considered that God likes to hear us sing a song to Him and Christ Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice so we don’t have do...

Bible Blog 124

Today I read 1 Chronicles 5, which talks about the descendants of Reuben and Gad. Today I considered that our behavior can take away our blessings and putting our trust in God can lead to victory. Lost Birthright God can take away a birthright or blessing because of a...