Ginny’s Journey Through the Bible
Bible Blog 206
Today I read 2 Kings 4, in which because of Elisha the widow’s pot of oil multiplied, the Shunammite’s son was saved, poisonous food was made harmless, and food stretch to feed the hundred men.
Bible Blog 205
Today I read 2 Kings 3, in which Jehoram’s siege against Moab was successful because Jehoshaphat traveled with him.
Bible Blog 204
Today I read 2 Kings 2, in which Elisha followed Elijah until Elijah was taken to heaven and Elisha begins his ministry.
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Today I read 2 Kings 1, in which Elijah’s prophecy to Ahaziah was delivered by Ahaziah’s messengers and again by Elijah.
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Today I read 1 Kings 22, in which Micaiah prophesized against going to war, Ahab was defeated, Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, and Ahaziah became king of Israel.
Bible Blog 201
Today I read 1 Kings 21, in which Jezebel planed Naboth’s death to get Naboth’s vineyard for her husband.
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