Ginny’s Journey Through the Bible
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 21, in which Jehoram, king of Judah, only reined eight years, was afflicted, and died because of his wickedness.
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 20, in which Moab and Ammon were defeated by God, and later Jehoshaphat again tried to make a wrong alliance.
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 19, in which the reforms by Jehoshaphat included putting judges throughout the land.
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 18, about the prophecy against Ahab going to fight in Ramoth-gilead.
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 17, in which Jehoshaphat was king of Judah and blessed because he followed God.
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Today I read 2 Chronicles 16, where Asa suffered because he did not rely on God at the end of his reign.
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